Monday, July 11, 2011

Save the Swift River

There is a beautiful small river in my area called the Swift River.  I love to kayak the areas of it that runs through Belchertown and Ware.  It is a small river but just like its namesake-Swift.  The water is crystalline and amazing for trout fishing, birdwatching, and when its hot enough, swimming as the water runs quite cool.  It is a gorgeous area, home to countless wildlife and wildlife admirers.  The picture in my welcome post was taken on the banks in an area where river-goers can picnic and camp.  The dam further south of this area in Bondsville, is what keeps the river at a usable level for boaters and animal inhabitants.  Recently the State of Massachusetts ordered for the dam to either be repaired or torn down.  If the dam gets torn down it would create a stream unusable to boaters and would destroy habitat for many species of birds, fish, small and larger mammals, and insects and retiles-all part of a crucial balance for each other. I am a supporter of repairing this dam as the Swift is a place I not only enjoy, but respect for its sheer beauty.  I am hoping the people in this area that care about it will help keep this special place the way it is.

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