Saturday, July 23, 2011


This is my final post for my iMovie training and I have to say that it was everything I expected.   I feel very accomplished and am very glad that we did this training.  I want to put into use all of the neat techniques that the training covered and make a really nice product.  At this point I don't have enough time to make a video for myself but I'm sure that I'll have an opportunity sometime soon. I wish I could say I made a video when I was finished and could share it now, but I don't.  For now I'll just show some screen shots of me playing around with the program.


I have to admit that I am having a little trouble using FlipSnack.  I spent some time to prepare all my files I wanted to include in my flipbook as PDFs.  When I went to add them I had trouble adding extra pages to my flipbook to accomodate them.  I have to play around with the program a bit more.  Like I said before, I am no expert on this tool.  I am glad that I am working on learning this tool now so that I can better teach my students how to use it.  I made a neat little book last week with FlipSnack so I am confused as to why I'm struggling with it tonight.  Here are a few shots of my process.

I am going to play around with this tool and see if I can work out the kinks. I will definitely get a grasp on this program, I just need a little more time. I think I'll go back to my other flipbook to see if I can trouble shoot my issues on this one.  Tata for now!


I am going to create a FlipSnack flip book to demonstrate the process and product that I want my students to follow for my Relevant and Innovative Learning Scenario(RILS).  I have shown here the notes that I would give my students to create a base knowledge for them to use in creating their flip book project. I also included an example of the type of picture I would expect them to include.  I'm going to create a flipbook that exemplifies what the product might look like when they complete it.  I am by no means an expert with FlipSnack but I'll do my best to create a decent product and let you know how it goes.

Saturday, July 16, 2011


Now that I am part way through the iMovie training I am getting even more excited to use iMovie again. I feel like I am getting truely in-depth teaching about the program. It is one thing to explore a program and learn what you can on your own but to be able to harness the full potential you really need to utilize a training like this. is an amazing resource to gain the knowledge you need. I guess I am thankful that our FullSail program got us a account otherwise I never would have the opportunity to acess all these programs. In fact, I didn't even know about before the EMDT program. I am looking forward to finishing up the iMovie tutorial and getting to work on a project where I can employ everything I'm learning. I'll check back in when I'm finished :)

Thursday, July 14, 2011


Today I am going to start the iMovie 09 Essential Training on  I am really excited about this for several reasons.  One is that I think is a quality training site and I know that the information presented will be accurate and complete.  Secondly from my little experience with iMovie I have found that I really like the program, it is fairly easy to use and create a product that is professional and interesting without the process being labor intensive.  The last reason that I am excited about the iMovie training is that when it is complete, I will have a training certificate that I can use as a credential on my resume.

I already have some experience with iMovie but am by no means an expert.  I am looking forward to learning about features and capabilities of the program that I haven't used or maybe did even know existed.  My experience has been somewhat limited.  I have mostly used iMovie for class assignments and also made one video that was an end-of-season movie for the tennis team that I coach. I have to say that the tennis video was definitely my most rewarding experience with iMovie so far.  The team loved the video and I promised to make them all copies of it on DVD.  I hope to have the knowledge, desire and opportunity to create many more cool videos with iMovie.  I have really been wanting to make a kayaking video, so maybe that will be next ;)

Well, I'm off to, wish me luck, I'll check in soon.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


I recently chose to use a Web 2.0 tool called FlipSnack to create a simple flip book.  I think this could be a really neat tool to use in my classroom.  Students could utilize this tool to create their own flip books on course content.  FlipSnacks seemed to be fairly easy to use, I only used it for a little while and create a very short example of what its capable of.

I think teachers at almost any level could find a way to incorporate this into their classrooms whether it was to present some material or to have students complete an assignment where they create their own flip books!

Here is a brief overview of FlipSnack and how easy it was to use:

FlipSnack had a simple and free registration process.  You just need a working email to confirm the registration and activate the account.

I used Pages to create some PDFs I could use in my flip book.  I used to quotes I found on the Internet that I liked.  I also looked through my Microsoft Clip art and converted a few of the image JPEGs to PDFs.  FlipSnack uses PDFs so you'll have to convert files you want to use into that format.  It is very easy and would be a good opportunity for teachers to show students how to do this.

The upload was simple and I had my flip book content ready in no time.  There is an area to personalize the color, sizes, etc for your flip book.  Click finish and you have a beautiful professional looking book to share.

Check out my first shot at FlipSnack called Knowledge, Intelligence, and Hard Work.  

Try this tool out for yourself at

Happy FlipSnacking!

Monday, July 11, 2011


As I learn more about personal learning environments, I am seeing the value in using a tool like iGoogle.
Here are some screen shots from my PLE.